Duties and Powers of SGA Officers and Members
SGA president
Candidates for president must have served at least one semester as representative, executive board member, or significant campus leadership role recognized by SGA.
The president of SGA shall:
- Preside over all meetings.
- Have the power to appoint committees and committee chairpersons.
- Be and act as a member of all SGA committees.
- Assume that all meetings and functions are conducted in an orderly manner.
- Be empowered to call special meetings of the SGA when deemed necessary.
- Serve as co-chair for Student Fee Committee.
- Prepare and copy the agenda for all SGA meetings before the said meeting is to convene.
- Attend all club presidents meetings.
- Serve as a spokesperson concerning policies or actions adopted by SGA.
- Be compelled to vote in an SGA meeting only when there is a deadlock over issue. After a tied vote, a period of discussion, and another tied vote, the president shall be compelled to break the tie.
- Attend monthly CCSG meeting at University Park. (One meeting per year at designated commonwealth campus).
- Express the campus vote at all CCSG meetings with due consideration of his/her delegation's opinion.
- Brief the new president of all of his/her responsibilities.
SGA vice president
The vice president shall:
- Be vested with all the powers of the president and shall perform the president's duties during his/her absence or inability to act.
- Have other duties as assigned by the SGA president.
- Assume the duties of any officer in his/her absence.
- Attend monthly CCSG meeting at University Park. (One meeting per year at designated commonwealth campus).
- Brief the new vice president on his/her responsibilities.
SGA secretary
The Secretary shall:
- As third in the executive committee, be vested with the powers of the president should the vice president be unable to fulfill the president’s duties resulting from his/her absence, resignation, or inability to act.
- Utilize Teams to distribute SGA documents.
- Record accurate minutes of all SGA meetings, making sure ample copies are available for distribution.
- Prepare the minutes of all SGA meetings for publication after the SGA meetings and send minutes to Student Affairs staff assistant.
- Handle all correspondence concerning SGA business.
- Be responsible for all organization and maintenance of the SGA files in Teams.
- Attend monthly CCSG meeting at University Park. (One meeting per year at designated commonwealth campus).
- Serve as parliamentarian for all SGA meetings as needed.
- Brief the new secretary on all of his/her responsibilities.
SGA treasurer/business manager
The treasurer/business manager is an appointed position.
The treasurer shall:
- Work directly with the Student Affairs administrative assistant to maintain all SGA/Club funds. Paid position, up to 3 hours weekly.
- Complete weekly deposits for any club funds.
- Update clubs on account balances upon request.
- Record all funding approval and upload into Teams/Sharepoint for auditing purposes.
- Attend monthly CCSG meeting at University Park. (1 meeting per year at designated commonwealth campus)
SGA representatives
The SGA representatives shall:
- Be expected to attend SGA-sponsored events for assigned times with one permitted absence, excluding extenuating circumstances, to be notified in advance.
- Be present at all SGA meetings.
- Serve faithfully on all committees to which they are appointed.
- Represent and consult with their constituency to the best of their ability.
Penalties for unexcused absences
In the event that a member must miss an SGA meeting, office hour, or event, formal notification, such as a written excuse, must be submitted to SGA and dually noted in the minutes for further reference.
Penalties for SGA members due to unexcused absences of office hours or meetings or events are as follows:
- Second miss: Warning
- Third miss: Loss of voting privileges for the next two meetings
- Fourth miss: Removal
Note: Two times late to any SGA sponsored events or meetings are equal to one miss.