The Help Tool

Navigating college can sometimes be a stressful experience. You probably have lots of questions but may not be sure who to ask. Don't worry. We've got you covered! Explore the topics listed in our Help Tool to find information and answers to frequently asked questions.

Can't find what you're looking for in the help tool? Ask a question.

Ask us a question

While we like to think we have all the answers, of course, the truth is ... we don't! But that doesn't mean we're not ready to help.

Please fill out our online form and let us know what YOU want to know. We'll get back to you as soon as possible with the information you need.

Ask a Question

Mental health crisis  

  • Call 911 for emergencies.  
  • Call the 24/7 Penn State Crisis Line at 1-877-229-6400.
  • Text the 24/7 Crisis Text Line. Text "LIONS" to 741741. 
  • Go to the nearest emergency room. The hospital closest to Penn State Beaver is Heritage Valley Beaver, 1000 Dutch Ridge Road, Beaver, PA 15009. 724-728-7000.
  • Contact Penn State Beaver Personal Counseling (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) Student Affairs & Engagement Office, 113 Student Union Building, or call 724-773-3951 or 724-773-3959  

Medical emergency

If there is a serious physical injury or illness on campus at any time, do the following:

  • Administer immediate first aid as appropriate.
  • Call 911 and ask for an ambulance if the need for one is obvious. The Beaver County Emergency Services Center will notify University Police any time an ambulance is dispatched to campus.
  • Call University Police at 724-773-3888 if you don't think an ambulance is necessary. Police officers are fully trained first responders who can administer first aid. They will call an ambulance or contact the campus nurse if necessary. 

Minor injury or illness

In the event of a minor injury or illness that requires attention, see the campus nurse in room 104, Ross Administration Building, or arrange for transportation to a private doctor or emergency room. You can also call University Police for assistance.

An incident report must be filed with Penn State Beaver Police in the event of any injury on campus.

Feeding Student Success

The Lion's Pantry offers mainly grab-and-go food items free of charge to Penn State Beaver students. Located in Room 112 of the Student Union Building, the pantry is open 24/7 and no permission is necessary to use it. In addition to food, a few toiletries such as toothbrushes and soap are available.

The pantry is a partnership between the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Office of Student Affairs and Engagement to provide additional support for Penn State Beaver students.

Please contact the Office of Student Affairs and Engagement at 724-773-3951 for more information about using the pantry or donating funds to support it.   

Harmony Hall

Harmony Hall, a traditional residence hall that recently underwent a million-dollar renovation, accommodates two students per bedroom and features private bathrooms on each floor. The residence hall provides 24-hour card access at exterior and interior doors, emergency call boxes, laundry facilities, vending machines, a central lobby area including a community kitchen, and a game room with a big-screen TV, pool table, and air hockey.

Find out more about living on campus

Office of Residence Life

The Office of Residence Life provides a variety of resources for our students. We focus on the success of each student as an individual, and the services we offer provide support to help students appropriately manage and overcome personal, social, and academic challenges that may arise. We strive to ensure a safe, comfortable, and supportive living and learning environment that enhances the principles of Penn State.

Visit our Residence Life Web Pages

Off-campus housing

While we don't offer off-campus housing, we may be able to help you with your housing problem. Reach out to us via our Request Help form.

Request Help

Get free clothing

Are you in need of professional attire for an upcoming interview, career fair or other event/experience? Need a warm jacket, hat or gloves? The Campus Closet may be able to help.

The Campus Closet is open to Penn State Beaver students who many need professional clothing and accessories to help them look their best or cold weather gear for those chilly western Pennsylvania winters. 

To access the closet, please contact [email protected] or stop by the Student Affairs & Engagement Office , SUB 113, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 

Transportation assistance

The Office of Residence Life provides transportation assistance to students during Harmony Hall closing dates, including fall break, winter break, and spring break.

Prior to the hall closing, an email will be sent to students with instructions on how to request assistance to or from the Pittsburgh International Airport and downtown Pittsburgh transportation sites, such as the Amtrak or Greyhound stations. Students must sign up in advance for assistance. The deadline and other details will be included in the sign up email. 

Personal transportation outside of the hall closing dates is not provided. Students traveling off campus for events not sponsored by the University are responsible for their own transportation.

Local shuttles

The campus provides a shuttle to local shopping areas for students to get groceries, eat at local restaurants, and enjoy other entertainments. Shuttle destinations, dates, and times vary.  Locations are advertised to students in advance and require a sign up. Seats are filled on a first come, first served basis.  

If you have questions regarding campus transportation, please contact Jill Bender at [email protected] or Billie Brown at [email protected].

Bus schedules

The Beaver County Transit Authority has bus routes that come near campus. Bus schedules are available on the BCTA website.

Non-emergency medical help

If you are experiencing a serious or life-threatening medical emergency, dial 911.

Penn State Beaver offers a variety of health education programs in diverse areas, including nutrition, wellness, sexual health and avoidance of substance abuse. Students are strongly encouraged to learn how to establish positive, lifelong health habits.

The Student Health Center is open Monday through Friday throughout the academic year unless otherwise noted through campus communications. The Health Center is closed during the months of June and July.

There is no fee to see Nurse Jessica Judy, RN., BSN.

Dr. Mitchell Pfeiffer, the consulting physician, is available on two Tuesdays every month. A $15 fee is charged to a student's account for a physician consultation. To learn the dates when the doctor is available, please visit the Health Center or check weekly Stall Stories.

Nurse Advice Hotline

The University Health Services Nurse Advice Line is available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00pm. Have your PSU ID number available when you call. Your call may be recorded.

Private & Confidential

Services provided

  • Assessment, evaluation, and treatment of short-term illness or injury
  • Consultation for health concerns
  • Emergency care for injuries on campus
  • Referrals to physicians, hospitals, emergency rooms or community agencies as necessary and appropriate
  • Health screenings for blood pressure, height and weight
  • First aid and emergency care
  • Emergency, on-campus transportation to health services
  • Resource center for health information and literature
  • Health education opportunities though wellness initiatives, awareness programs, and the annual Penn State Beaver Health Fair
  • Maintenance of confidential student health records
  • Compliance with local and state health departments' rules and regulations
  • Physical examinations for driver's license, employment and athletics

Health Services website Off-campus medical facilities

Medical emergency

If there is a serious physical injury or illness on campus at any time, do the following:

  • Administer immediate first aid as appropriate.
  • Call 911 and ask for an ambulance if the need for one is obvious. The Beaver County Emergency Services Center will notify University Police any time an ambulance is dispatched to campus.
  • Call University Police at 724-773-3888 if you don't think an ambulance is necessary. Police officers are fully trained first responders who can administer first aid. They will call an ambulance or contact the campus nurse if necessary. 

Minor injury or illness

In the event of a minor injury or illness that requires attention, see the campus nurse in room 104, Ross Administration Building, or arrange for transportation to a private doctor or emergency room. You can also call University Police for assistance.

An incident report must be filed with Penn State Beaver Police in the event of any injury on campus.

Non-emergency medical issues 

What is my Penn State user ID? 

You must obtain an Access Account user ID and password (often referred to as your email address and password) before using any Penn State computing resources.

Please take a moment to review the following important information:

  • Your user ID is unique and is used to give you access to many of Penn State's services, including email.
  • Your user ID is assigned to you when you register as a student and is usually a string of characters containing your initials and three or four numbers, i.e. abc123. Your user ID does not include
  • Your email address is a combination of your user ID and
  • Your password will not change unless you want or need it to. The University has numerous policies regarding use of your user ID and password, and it's important to know them.
  • NEVER share your password with anyone.

How do I activate my user ID?

In order to receive email, use Canvas, log into lab computers, and use other University computer services, you must first activate your account. Go to Penn State Accounts for more information.

Visit the IT support Site

The Penn State Beaver Library has computers and audio/video equipment that can be checked out for varying lengths of time. Stop by the front desk for more information.

Equipment to Loan
Technology Number Available Length of Loan
Dell laptops 8 1 week
Chromebook laptops 12 4 hours
Viewmasters 10 2 weeks
Sony Bloggies flip cameras 8 2 weeks
Canon VIXIA HF G20 1 2 weeks
Go Pro Max 1 1 week
Nikon CoolPix L830 2 2 weeks
Nikon D5600 w/lenses 1 1 week
Nikon KeyMission 360 2 1 week
Sony FDR-AX53 1 2 weeks
Tripods and mini tripods 8 2 weeks
Wireless Microphones 2 2 weeks
Portable Phone Chargers 6 4 hours
Scientific Calculator 6 4 hours
TI-84 Plus Calculator 6 4 hours
Stabilizer Tab Mounts for phones and tablets 5 2 weeks
Steadicam Volt 1 2 weeks
Oculus 2 VR Headset 1 4 hours
Updated Aug. 14, 2023

Visit the IT support Site

Get software

Office 365: Available to everyone at Penn State, Microsoft Office 365 offers online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and more. The Office Suite apps are also available to be downloaded and installed on your personal device.

G Suite: Available at no cost to Penn State students, faculty, and staff members, Penn State G Suite accounts include the following core set of apps: Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Hangouts Meet and Chats, Sites and Jamboard.

Adobe Software: Students, faculty, and staff who need access to Adobe Creative Cloud can apply for a free account. Three tiers of access are available: Adobe Express, Adobe Acrobat Pro, and Adobe Creative Cloud. 

Software @ PSU and Software Request both offer various free and discounted software titles to faculty, staff, and students.

WebLabs: Connect to a virtual lab computer hosted by Penn State.

Autodesk: Autodesk offers free educational licenses to its 3D design and engineering software, including the AutoCAD suite, Maya, and more. Available to all students, faculty, and staff. These software products can be downloaded by signing up for an account at the Autodesk website using your Penn State e-mail address.

Visit the IT support Site

Help Desk

For technology support, please email Penn State Beaver Help Desk at [email protected], or call the Help Desk Hotline at 724-773-3830.

Computer labs


  • Laboratory Classroom Building: Rooms 102 and 103
  • Michael Baker Building: Rooms 108 and 020


  • Sunday through Thursday: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • Friday and Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

After hours

Computer labs may be used after posted hours. To gain access to a lab, please contact University Police at 724-773-3888 to request that the duty officer open a lab for you. When you're done working in the lab, please contact Police Services to let the officer know he/she should return to lock the lab.

Visit the IT support Site

Paw Prints

Paw Prints is a cloud-based, pay-as-you-go printing solution that offers convenient, individualized experiences for students. Paw Prints kiosks feature:

  • Printing and scanning in black-and-white and color.
  • Access to cloud-based printing at every kiosk by logging in, entering a code, or inserting a USB drive.
  • Minimal rates for printing and scanning to help save money on your own equipment, ink, and paper.
  • Payment for prints using one of these convenient methods:

Paw Prints information

Paw Prints kiosk locations

Paw Prints kiosks are available to print in both color and black and white at the following locations:

  • Upper level of Student Union Building, accessible 24/7 for students with after-hours building access by swiping their PSU IDs.
  • Ground floor of Harmony Hall, accessible 24/7 by hall residents.

Visit the IT support Site

Wireless connectivity

Wireless connectivity is usually available indoors and outdoors on campus. If you have difficulty with wireless connections, please contact the IT Help Desk (LCB room 101), 724-773-3830.

Wireless locations

The wireless network can be accessed in the following buildings and should also be available outdoors near these buildings:

  • Harmony Hall 
  • Brodhead Bistro
  • Gym
  • Ross Administration Building
  • Library
  • Student Union Building
  • Laboratory Classroom Building
  • General Classroom Building
  • Michael Baker Building

How to connect

The procedure to access the wireless network is the same at all Penn State locations. Using the device you're connecting, go to Set Up Your Wireless Connection.

Connect in Harmony Hall

Residents of Harmony Hall should visit Roomgearfor information on connecting from their rooms.

Visit the IT support Site

Help Desk

For technology support, please email Penn State Beaver Help Desk at [email protected], or call the Help Desk Hotline at 724-773-3830.

Computer labs


  • Laboratory Classroom Building: Rooms 102 and 103
  • Michael Baker Building: Rooms 108 and 020


  • Sunday through Thursday: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • Friday and Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

After hours

Computer labs may be used after posted hours. To gain access to a lab, please contact University Police at 724-773-3888 to request that the duty officer open a lab for you. When you're done working in the lab, please contact Police Services to let the officer know he/she should return to lock the lab.

Visit the IT support Site

Media Commons

The Media Commons is a University-wide initiative designed to enrich students' academic lives by creating digital content for their coursework. The Media Commons provides all Penn State locations with common sets of computing tools, support materials, and opportunities to create digital media of all kinds. The Media Commons also helps to educate faculty, staff, and students about the appropriate uses of digital media.


  • One Button Studio at Beaver campus
  • Media Commons editing stations
    • Library and Room 11C General Classroom Building
    • Library stations are open during regular library hours

Frequently asked questions

Where can I borrow a video camera or still camera for a project?

Recording equipment such as video and still cameras and wireless microphones are available to be signed out for up to two weeks at a time. Check out the library's list of equipment and stop by the front desk to sign something out.

I need help! Where should I go?

There are a number of ways to get help with Media Commons projects:

  • How-to manuals are provided in each editing suite.
  • Visit the Media Commons website to chat with a Media Commons consultant or to access how-to documents and video tutorials.
  • Call the Media Commons Hotline (toll free): 866-266-7496
  • Email the Media Commons staff: [email protected]

Learn more about Media Commons

Visit the IT support Site

IT student jobs

Work-study and part-time jobs are available in the IT office for:

  • Residence Hall Computer Technicians
  • IT Support Staff

To apply for a position or for more information, please contact Nick Pentz at 724-773-3573 or Eric Marts at 724-773-3569.

Visit the IT support Site

What is academic advising?

Penn State's Academic Advising Program is designed to help advisees identify and achieve their academic goals; promote intellectual discovery; encourage students to take advantage of both in-class and out-of-class educational opportunities; and become self-directed learners and decision makers. 

What are the responsibilities of advisers and advisees?

To protect the rights and responsibilities of both student and faculty, the adviser neither grants nor denies administrative approval. The student must assume final responsibility for the successful completion of all graduation requirements.

The adviser’s role

  • To understand University procedures and the academic concerns of students
  • To understand the expected standards of achievement and the student’s likelihood of success
  • To discuss suitable career objectives as demonstrated by student abilities and interests
  • To plan a course of study and offer advice about courses, adjustments, prerequisites, etc.
  • To refer students to other resources when appropriate
  • To keep informed and current regarding the specific college and department

The advisee’s role

  • To acquire information for course scheduling, program planning, and graduation requirements
  • To seek academic and career information needed to meet educational goals
  • To become knowledgeable about University and college policies, procedures, rules, etc.
  • To be prepared with accurate and relevant materials when meeting with the adviser
  • To consult with the adviser at least once every semester  

Consult LionPATH

Penn State LionPATH is an expert-based, empirically grounded advising and information system delivered online. It was created to supplement student/adviser relationships and to engage students in interactive inquiry for informed educational planning.

Penn State LionPATH offers students a variety of services, including providing each student with the name of his/her adviser; providing an update on the student's cumulative grade-point average (GPA); assisting students in exploring majors; and giving students the ability to drop and add courses and/or withdraw from the University.

go to LionPATH

Advising Resources

Accommodations for disabilities

Penn State Beaver welcomes students with disabilities into the University's educational programs. If you have disability-related needs for reasonable academic accommodations, we can help.

The Center for Academic Achievement provides the following resources for students with disabilities:

  • Testing accommodations
  • Note takers
  • Study groups
  • Individualized tutors
  • Video and study skill resources
  • Computer lab
  • Quiet reading/study area
  • Group study area

Apply for accommodations

Students with ADA-qualified disabilities must provide current documentation of their disabilities, including necessary accommodations, to receive services. 

First, you must schedule a meeting with Kristin Oberg, learning center and disabilities coordinator, by emailing [email protected] or calling 724-773-3867. She will gather information and documentation from your medical doctor, neurologist, psychologist, or psychiatrist concerning your disability and will file the necessary paperwork to establish your case.

You will find information about appropriate documentation for your disability at Penn State's Educational Equity website.

Your information must be current. If it is old or outdated, which may vary depending on your diagnosis, you may need to return to your doctor for an update on your condition. For some conditions, this may require retesting.

If your documentation is correct, complete, and updated according to the Educational Equity website, you will be awarded academic accommodations.

Receive accommodations

Once you have been awarded accommodations, a letter that states your needs (but not your diagnosis, which is confidential) will be emailed to you. You must forward this email to each of your instructors, cc'ing the disabilities coordinator, at the beginning of each semester, preferably prior to the start of classes. You should then meet with each professor to discuss your needs and how they will be met within the context of each course. 

Your responsibilities

You are responsible for your own needs! Make sure you contact the disabilities coordinator immediately to get the help you need. Be sure to follow up with her to address problems and/or additional needs that may arise during the academic year.

You will be responsible for keeping appointments with professors and tutors, if needed. You will also be responsible for the safe return of assistive devices that you might borrow from the Center for Academic Achievement.


You will need to go through the process of obtaining a letter of accommodation every semester. The coordinator will not automatically alert your professors about any disability until you request this service. Usually, your initial documentation will suffice for the entire time you take classes at Beaver campus.

Temporary impairment

If you become temporarily impaired due to an illness or accident, contact the campus nurse at 724-773-3955 to receive short-term accommodations. For more information, see Absences and Excuses.


Center for Academic Achievement

The Center for Academic Achievement (CAA) is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday in Suite 105 of the Ross Administration Building. The center offers:

  • Student/peer tutors in a variety of subjects and a professional tutor in writing.
  • Testing and other accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
  • Homework help.

In addition, the CAA provides a comfortable and student-friendly environment:

  • Windows computers.
  • White boards near the computers.
  • Round tables for group study sessions.
  • Tables enabling students to work one-on-one with a tutor or friend.
  • Study tools such as scratch paper, calculators, and various office supplies.
  • A testing room for students with disabilities.
  • A microwave, single-cup coffee maker and refrigerator.
  • Couches.
  • A sensory room that includes soft LED lighting, a bubble lamp, comfortable spaces to relax, fidget tools, multiple workbooks and relaxation tools.

Schedule Tutoring

Center for Academic Achievement

Crisis Intervention

If you or someone you know is thinking of hurting themselves or someone else, get help immediately, no matter the time of day or night.  

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis:  

  • Call 911 for emergencies.  

  • Call the 24/7 Penn State Crisis Line at 1-877-229-6400.

  • Text the 24/7 Crisis Text Line. Text "LIONS" to 741741. 

  • Go to the nearest emergency room.   
    The nearest hospital to Penn State Beaver is: 
    Heritage Valley Beaver Emergency Department 
    1000 Dutch Ridge Road, Beaver, PA 15009 724-728-7000 

  • Contact Penn State Beaver Personal Counseling (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)  Student Affairs & Engagement Office, 113 Student Union Building or call 724-773-3951 or 724-773-3959.  

Any member of campus can get you to someone for help. Just ask! You matter to us. The Penn State Crisis Line can also be used for consultation. If you know someone or are with someone who is experiencing a crisis, Penn State Crisis Line can help and is available to students at all Penn State campuses. Please note that the caller must be located in the U.S. when placing a call to the Penn State Crisis Line. 

Visit the Personal Counseling Services website

In crisis or need immediate support?

See these crisis intervention resources.

Personal Counseling Office

The Student Personal Counseling office welcomes you and wants you to know that we are here and ready to help with a variety of services including online and virtual wellness services and counseling services. College can be stressful. Students may confront a variety of issues that could impede their ability to achieve academically. Academic, social, family, work or financial stress, anxiety, interpersonal concerns, depression, sexuality, substance abuse and other mental health issues that are commonly faced by both traditional-aged and re-entry students.   

While most students cope successfully with life's demands, sometimes these pressures become overwhelming and difficult to manage. Students might feel alone, isolated, helpless and even hopeless. These feelings can easily disrupt academic performance and may result in other harmful behaviors such as missing class, falling behind on assignments, substance abuse, self-harm and other behaviors that negatively impact a student’s success. 

Many common student concerns include:

  • Difficulty in adjusting to college
  • Homesickness
  • Problems with friends, roommates, and/or family members
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Lack of motivation
  • Difficulty in relaxing
  • Concerns about your major, career and/or future
  • Difficulty in concentrating or studying
  • Trouble coping with academic pressures
  • Uncertainties about personal values and beliefs

If you experience or deal with any of these issues or any other stressors, you're urged to make an appointment to talk with a personal counselor. We're here to help you, and YOU matter to us. 

What services are provided?

Personal counseling offers a variety of confidential and free services for Beaver campus students, including:

  • Individual counseling (in-person or tele-health) 
  • Community referrals
  • Programs on topics of well-being
  • Additional counseling and support services, as needed

Basic counseling services are provided at no charge to undergraduate students registered full time (12 credits or more for undergraduates) for the semester in which they are interested in seeking our services. There is a limit to the number of individual counseling sessions for any student in any given year. Fees for certain specialty services may be assessed.


When it comes to protecting your information, CAPS follows all professional standards and state and federal laws. Information shared with the therapist is held in the strictest confidence consistent with professional and ethical standards and state and federal law. Therapists will not release information without the client's signed consent except in rare instances where sharing is required by law (such as to save a human life, to report child sexual abuse, or to comply with a court order).

Type of Counseling Appointments available

  • Consultation: (30-50 minutes) initial appointment for students to meet with counselor and discuss concerns, get information about on- and off-campus resources, and plan for next steps
  • Same Day: (30 minute) appointment available same day with no prior scheduling needed for non-emergent concerns
  • Screening: (30-50 minutes)  follow up appointment to gather more detailed information, identify needs, and plan for next steps
  • Concise: (30 minute) follow up appointment focused on targeted personalized goals, and problem solving
  • Traditional: (45-55 minute) follow up appointment, part of on-going, short-term counseling services, scheduled at regular intervals

How do I make an appointment? 

During regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) students seeking routine counseling services are able to use one of the following methods to schedule a meeting with a campus counselor.  

  • Email: [email protected]

  • Click to Register Online.  (password: caps2020)

  • Schedule by phone: 724-773-3951; Jill Bender, Student Affairs Coordinator can assist.

  • In-Person: Stop by the Office of Student Affairs & Engagement located in the Student Union Building, Room 113.   

Virginia Strutt, MA, LPC, student personal counselor
[email protected] 

Brenda Schultz, MA, NCC, student personal and career counselor 
[email protected] 

Visit the Personal Counseling Services website

Career Planning

Regardless of your academic major or class year, Penn State Career Services is here to assist you in identifying and achieving your individual career goals.

Meet with Career Services

Penn State Beaver’s career counselor is available by appointment from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Let Career Services help with your career journey, choosing a major, exploring majors, writing resumes, preparing for interviews, exploring graduate schools and more. 

To make an appointment, email [email protected]  or call 724-773-3961 or 724-773-3951. 

Career Services on Canvas

Current students enrolled at Penn State Beaver have access to career resources through Penn State Beaver Career Services & Resources on Canvas. Locate information on: 

  • Career services workshops, career fairs, and other career related events. 
  • Majors and career exploration. 

  • Creating your professional brand (resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, and more). 

  • Jobs/internships, professional organizations, and special populations. 

  • Interviewing. 

  • Graduate and professional school planning and exploration.  

Log into your Penn State Canvas learning management account. Click on the Penn State Beaver Career Services & Resource page and begin exploring. 

Visit the career services website

Academic calendar

Academic calendars for the University are maintained by the Office of the Registrar. Fall and spring semester calendars are similar among all campuses. Summer class calendars differ, however. 

To find classes for any semester, go to LionPATH and search for the subject and semester you're interested in.

If you're looking for commencement information, you can find it on the Registrar's Office pages.

Friday, May 9, 4:00 p.m. 

Physical tickets will not be issued. An RSVP link will be emailed to graduates. If you need to update the information that you provided with your RSVP, please call 724-773-3789 or email [email protected].


Those unable to attend are welcome to view the ceremony online. The December 2024 ceremony can be viewed at this link. A link for the May 2025 ceremony will be updated closer to the event date.

Commencement attire

Graduates should wear business or business casual attire under their gown. Caps and gowns should be purchased from the Penn State Beaver Bookstore in the Student Union Building. Please hang your gown for several days before commencement to help remove wrinkles.


Students should verify their address in LionPATH and update if necessary. Diplomas will be mailed four to six weeks after the ceremony. A Certified Electronic Diploma (CeDiploma) is also available. 

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Jen Dilts, Academic Program Coordinator, 724-773-3789, or Rachel Zughaib, Registrar, 724-773-3786.


Commencement photos are provided free of charge and can be downloaded from the campus Flickr page. The photos are not copyrighted, so you should have no problem getting them printed.

Penn State Beaver Flickr

Commencement attire

Graduates should wear business or business casual attire under their gown. Caps and gowns should be purchased from the Penn State Beaver Bookstore.

Please hang your gown for several days before commencement to help remove wrinkles.

more commencement information

Stay Connected to Penn State Beaver

Penn State Beaver's alums, students, faculty, and staff are always active and busy accomplishing great things all over the world. We want to keep updated with what's happening in your life! If you have recently changed employment, added to your family, or moved, we hope you'll share your news with us.

Penn State Beaver's Office of Development and Alumni Relations is dedicated to keeping alumni and friends of the college connected and informed.

Email Alumni Relations Visit the alumni website

Notify the University of your intent to graduate

To graduate, you must satisfy all the University, college, and major requirements that were in effect at the time of your most recent admission or re-enrollment as a degree candidate to the University.

To submit your notification, go to LionPATH and select "Graduating this semester". If you encounter any issues with LionPATH, contact the Registrar's Office.

Learn more about the intent to graduate process


Canvas is the University's course management system. Most professors organize their courses using Canvas, allowing  you to see your assignments and course progress.

Login to Canvas Get help with Canvas


Your email address is your Access ID followed by Penn State uses Microsoft Outlook in Office 365 for its email system. Be sure to check your email frequently as it's how the University and your instructors will communicate with you.

Check your Penn State email


Large-format printing

The Office of Student Affairs & Engagement can print large posters for student projects and assignments upon request. Posters can be printed in a variety of sizes, and prices are determined by size. Poster requests are for academic, club/organization, and departmental use only. Personal printing requests will be denied. 

All poster requests must be submitted a minimum of 48 hours in advance. Late requests will not be guaranteed. High-resolution files (300 ppi) must be submitted in JPG format. Student Affairs is not responsible for the quality of low-resolution files. 

Poster Printing Request Form How to create your poster

You must use this form to request printing. Emails will not be accepted. Multiple posters may be ordered on the same request form. 

Paper sizes

  • 20” x 30” $6 per poster
  • 24” x 32” $6 per poster
  • 36” x 48” $12 per poster
  • Smaller/larger sizes may be available; price will be determined prior to printing.

Paper types

  • Plain paper: For indoor and short-term use only.  Most used for presentation posters.
  • Waterproof/tear-resistant: For outdoor and/or long-term use. Colors will not fade or bleed and paper does not tear or rip. An additional charge will apply.

NOTE: If you need to make corrections to your poster once it is printed, you will be charged for all additional copies. Posters will not be reprinted for free.

Posters can be picked up in the Student Affairs & Engagement Office, Student Union Building, Room 113. An email will be sent to you when your poster is ready for pick up. Students posters for academic use, must be paid for at the time of pick up (cash or check).  For Club/organization posters, the club budget will be charged directly. 

Faculty and staff may also request posters to be printed for Penn State University business only. Please follow the directions above for submission. Faculty and staff printing will be charged directly to your University budget, which must be provided at the time of your request.

For questions, please contact:

Undergraduate Exhibition

Students who need posters printed for the Undergraduate Exhibition must submit their posters one week in advance of the exhibition or the posters will not be printed. See the Undergraduate Exhibition poster information page for details.


  • Schedule classes
  • View your schedule
  • Check your grades
  • Check your academic progress
  • Pay your bill
  • Accept your financial aid award
  • Grant your family access to see your grades and pay your bill

go to LionPATH

Textbooks can be purchased or rented from the Penn State Bookstore. To see what materials are needed for your courses, go to your schedule in LionPATH and click on the class section number.

Penn State Bookstore


Experiential Digital Global Engagement, or EDGE, connects Penn State Beaver classes with their counterparts around the world through the use of technology. Paired classes create a project, and the professors and students work together throughout the semester.

Penn State has 14 international partner institutions in various countries, including France, Morocco, Israel, and Khazakhstan. Recent projects have included developing an app to help farmers in Kazakhstan know when to plant crops and creating  plans for food-delivery and money transfer services in Morocco.

Go to for more information on EDGE.

Resources for international students

International students who plan to apply to Penn State Beaver can obtain detailed information about the application process by visiting the Global Programs website. To learn more about the Pittsburgh region, visit Global Pittsburgh.  

Spring break trips

Professors take small groups of students on spring break trips, which have included destinations such as Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, The Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, and Turkey. 

For information about traveling abroad with faculty at spring break, please contact Assistant Teaching Professor Tiffany MacQuarrie at  [email protected].

Study abroad

Penn State offers study abroad programs that allow students to study in a foreign country for one or more semesters. Students from Penn State Beaver have studied in London, England, and Limerick, Ireland. 

If you're interested in learning more about study abroad programs, visit Penn State’s Global Programs website.

Office of Academic Affairs

Honors Program

The Honors Program at Penn State Beaver enhances the academic experience for those students with the ability and desire to excel intellectually. 

In addition to Honors coursework, students enjoy special academic privileges, including early registration, a more liberal library borrowing policy, and further access to research opportunities. The Honors Program can also serve as a gateway to the Schreyer Honors College for those students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance.

For more information about the Honors Program, please contact Dr. Eric Gonzalez, Assistant Teaching Professor of Physics and Honors Coordinator, at [email protected].

Honors program website

What to do

The best place to find out about upcoming events is on the weekly Stall Stories, which you can find in the restrooms on campus. If you want to know without the go, check out the campus calendar or watch your email for announcements.

Campus calendar Athletics

Apply for financial aid

Any student who is interested in being considered for loans, grants, scholarships, and/or a work-study position should apply.

Begin by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for federal and state aid consideration. Students interested in scholarships should be aware of possible separate scholarship applications.

File your FAFSA

Use the following information to submit your FAFSA to Penn State:

  • Pennsylvania State University (The)
  • School type: PUBLIC, PRIMARILY 4-YEAR
  • Federal School Code: 003329

In-state students should also complete the Pennsylvania State Grant application to apply for a PHEAA grant. You'll find a direct link to the PA State Grant on the FAFSA application. 

When to apply

Penn State recommends that students file their FAFSAs as early as possible, starting January 1 and no later than April 15.  Keep in mind that many student aid sources, especially University funds, have limited resources and are awarded to eligible students on a first-come, first-served basis. Waiting to file the FAFSA may mean you will not be awarded funding for which you would otherwise qualify because the available funds have run out.

First-year students should submit the FAFSA by February 15 to receive a financial aid notification in a timely manner and to maximize the types and amounts of financial aid that are available.

See this financial aid timeline for more information.

What happens next?

The Department of Education processes the completed application and sends a copy of the information to the following:

  • The schools listed on the student's FAFSA.
  • The state grant agency of the student's home residency state.
  • The student via the FAFSA Submission Summary.

Once Penn State receives the student's FAFSA information, it can start making award decisions. Students can access their student aid packages on LionPath.

More financial aid information

Veterans benefits

Many veterans of the Armed Services who are interested in attending college are eligible to receive financial assistance through the Montgomery GI Bill® or the Post 9/11 GI Bill®. These educational benefits are administered by the Veterans Administration.

In order to determine funding eligibility, student veterans must complete an application for benefits. In addition, student veterans must activate educational benefits by contacting Justin Vorbach, director of enrollment and admissions at Penn State Beaver, 724-773-3809.

The video below will give you an overview of the benefits you have available.

Military Benefits

Effective summer 2015, all eligible veterans regardless of benefit use, and military/veteran dependents actively using Chapter 33, Chapter 35 or Fry Scholarship benefits, will be eligible for in-state tuition regardless of residency.

If you are a veteran and you are not using GI Bill® benefits, please contact Justin Vorbach to determine requirements to establish eligibility for the in-state rate.

Penn State for Veterans

Types of educational benefits

Reserve Tuition Assistance Programs

Members of the Selective Reserves may be eligible for tuition assistance. However, each of the Armed Forces determines how to administer their own Tuition Assistance (TA). In addition each state may offer its National Guard service members state funded education incentives based on state guidelines and eligibility (i.e. TA, waivers, exemptions, student loan repayment, etc.).

* GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available on the Department of Veterans Affairs website.

More financial aid information

Pay your bill

  1. Log in to LionPATH.
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page.
  3. Select "Manage My Account/Make A Payment" to get to your Student Account Dashboard.
  4. Click on "Make a Payment" on the left side menu, and follow the instructions.

Additional information about paying your bill is available on the Penn State Bursar's website.

Go to LionPATH

Financial aid

Student aid is any resource that supplements what students, parents and others responsible for the student are expected to contribute to meet the costs of a college education. Penn State students receive four types of student aid: grants, scholarships, loans, and federal work-study.


Grants are awarded based solely on financial need, have no requirement of repayment, and can come from the federal government, the state, or Penn State. To find grants awarded by Pennsylvania, visit the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency's website.


Scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement. For many University scholarships, financial need is an additional criterion of eligibility. There is no requirement of repayment.


Loans are low-interest awards that must be repaid after students leave Penn State. Loans include the Federal Direct Loan, the Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan, and alternative educational loans.

Parent PLUS Loan

Private Alternative Loans

Federal Work-Study

Federal work-study awards are based on a student's financial need and allow students to earn money towards their school expenses. Work-study earnings are not applied directly to a student's semester bill because work-study students receive a paycheck.

More financial aid information


All students, including incoming freshmen and current students, are considered automatically for campus scholarships. No scholarship application is required for most scholarships, but students are strongly encouraged to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) since many scholarships have a financial need requirement. Scholarships will be awarded on a rolling basis beginning in January each year.

Award decisions

All first-year and upper-division students are considered automatically for campus-based and general University-wide scholarships, i.e. scholarships available to all students without regard to campus or college. Decisions are based on the performance information collected from admission applications or current Penn State academic records. Penn State Beaver annually awards more than $350,000 in scholarships; the average award is $1,500.

Some of Penn State's academic colleges have additional scholarship opportunities available for Beaver campus students. These college and departmental scholarships may require additional information or an application.

Approximately 50 percent of all academic scholarships require merit and financial need. To be considered for scholarships that require financial need, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Penn State recommends that students complete the FAFSA by March 1 in order to receive maximum consideration for all forms of student aid.


Awarding begins in early spring. Generally, students selected to receive a scholarship are notified of their award between January and June, although awarding may occur throughout the academic year. Scholarship award notifications are mailed or emailed by the academic or administrative area making the award. These notifications are independent of federal and state aid award notifications.

In most cases, scholarships are awarded for two semesters (fall and spring) and typically require full-time enrollment, i.e. a minimum of 12 credits per semester. Some scholarships are renewable.

For students receiving federal and state student aid, regulations require that scholarships be counted as financial resources when determining a student aid package. The scholarships a student receives will not change the overall student aid eligibility, but might impact the resources that make up a student aid package, which means loans and work-study positions might be reduced.

More scholarship information

Authorized Payer and Delegated Access

There are two types of access to LionPATH that students can grant to parents, guardians, or others who need the information.

Authorized Payer Access allows the user to see the student's bill and payment information and to make payments on the student's account.

Delegated Access allows the user to see the student's academic, enrollment, and financial aid information. This can include class schedule, grades, GPA, and hold that affect enrollment eligibility.

Delegated & authorized access

How to grant access Parent login to LionPATH

Financial Literacy

The Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center can equip you with knowledge and skills to make positive choices regarding money management, not just during your time at Penn State, but throughout your life. With the center's help, you can begin building a foundation that will allow you to lead the life of your choosing. Services are available to Penn State students, staff, and alumni.

Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center


Students need to have a bank account. PNC Bank offers no-cost banking options for students. You can even use your id+ Card as your ATM card when you link it to your PNC account.

PNC Student Banking

Active shooter training

If you find yourself in an active shooter situation, call 911 if you can do so safely. If you don't want to draw attention to yourself, mute the ringer on your phone and send a text 911 that includes as much information as you can about the situation.

Penn State has adopted an Active Attacker Response Program as part of the University’s ongoing commitment to the safety of those who are on our campuses to learn, live, work and visit. 

Run, Hide, Fight

Penn State Run, Hide, Fight training video. Warning: the video contains intense depictions of violence. It is designed in a realistic manner to educate the Penn State community on best practices for responding to a violent attack. However, it does not provide comprehensive guidelines for all scenarios and does not guarantee safety. Viewer discretion is advised.

The University’s Active Attacker Response is based upon three action steps: run, hide and fight. The run, hide, and fight action steps may not always occur in this order, so memorizing them all as possible options regardless of order is a key to quick response.


  • Have an escape route and plan in mind.
  • Make sure it is safe to leave the area you are in. Use your eyes and ears to determine if it is safe to run.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Keep your hands visible.
  • Once in a safe place, call police and give detailed information about what is happening. Don’t assume someone else has already called the police.


  • If unable to run from the danger, your second option should be to hide.
  • Find a place that’s out of the attacker’s sight and remain quiet.
  • Do not huddle together, because it makes an easier target.
  • Lock and barricade doors with whatever is available, such as desks, chairs, or door wedges. Shut off lights.


  • Fighting is a last resort to be used only when your life is in imminent danger. (However, sometimes fighting may be the first and only option.)
  • Find an object to use as a weapon, such as a fire extinguisher, backpack, book or chair.
  • Attempt to incapacitate the attacker; commit to your actions; work with others to disable the assailant.

More police information

In case of an emergency

Never hesitate to call 911 in an emergency. It's the fastest way to get help. 

When you call 911, Beaver County Emergency Services will contact University Police and other local emergency services (such as ambulance or fire) to handle the emergency. 

If you are in a situation where you can't safely call, mute your ringer and send a text to 911. When you text, provide as much information as you can, including where you are. You cell phone will not provide that information.

To report a crime or suspicious activity that is not in progress, contact University Police at 724-773-3888. 

Call boxes

Call boxes connect directly to the county 911 center and are only for emergencies. Call boxes are located outside the following buildings.

  • Front door of the Library
  • Front door of the Fieldhouse
  • Upper level door of the Ross Administration Building
  • Lower level door of the Ross Administration Building
  • Front door of the Police Services Building

Map of call box locations


Evacuation of part or all of the campus will be announced by University Police orally and via PSUAlert. Please follow any directions given at that time and meet at the designated areas.

  • Assemble in the Student Union Building Lodge.
  • If the SUB Lodge is inaccessible, report to the Beaver Fieldhouse.
  • Should both places be inaccessible, proceed to the north end of parking Lot C (the student lot near Harmony Hall).


Information about emergencies will be sent to the campus community via PSUAlert. Be sure you have signed up to receive texts and/or phone calls from PSUAlert.

Manage your alerts

More police information

Report the spill

It is important that all faculty and staff report all hazardous material spills, no matter how minor they appear to be. Many incidents have become disasters because of a lack of concern, no incident report, and/or improper initial handling of the situation.

Any spillage of a hazardous chemical or radioactive material must be reported immediately to University Police at 724-773-3888.


  • When reporting, be specific about the nature of the involved material and exact location. University Police will contact the necessary specialized authorities and medical personnel.
  • The key person on site should evacuate the affected area at once and seal it off to prevent further contamination of other areas until the arrival of University Police.
  • Anyone who might be contaminated by the spill is to avoid contact with others as much as possible, remain in the vicinity, and give their names to University Police. Required first-aid and cleanup by specialized authorities should begin immediately.
  • If an emergency exists, activate the building fire alarm system. Report the emergency by telephone immediately.
  • All procedures for evacuating buildings should be followed.
  • Under no circumstances is anyone to re-enter the affected area until advised to do so by the Haz-Mat team, fire department, University Police, or a University official.

More police information

Regulations and policies

Click on headings below for complete policies.

Alcoholic Beverages

The possession, use, distribution, and sale of Alcoholic Beverages is prohibited upon the property of The Pennsylvania State University unless specifically authorized in accordance with this Policy. Where such possession, use, distribution and/or sale is authorized, strict compliance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is required.

Bicycles and Skateboards

  • All bicycles must be operated according to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Vehicle Code as it pertains to bicycles, as well as to the rules and regulations contained in this policy.
  • No acrobatics of any kind are permitted.
  • The use of skateboards and skateboard-like devices on campus property is prohibited.
  • Motor driven devices (e-scooters, e-boards, etc) that do not meet the PA Vehicle Code requirements for operation on a public highway are prohibited from use on University property; to include buildings, roadways, sidewalks, bike paths and shared pathways.
  • Human powered roller skates, in-line skates, scooters (excluding medical), sleds, and similar coasting devices are not vehicles and use of such devices are prohibited in roadways, parking areas, bicycle routes, and within any building on campus. Persons on such devices are pedestrians for traffic control purposes and may be cited for applicable violations of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code.
  • The use of a sled or similar device is prohibited upon any sidewalk or improved surface used only for pedestrian traffic.

Firearms and Other Weapons

The possession, carrying, or use of any weapon, ammunition, or explosive by any person is prohibited on all University property except by authorized law enforcement officers and other persons specifically authorized by the University. No person shall possess, carry, or use any fireworks on University property, except for those persons authorized by University and local governments to discharge such fireworks as part of a public display. Paintball guns and paintball markers may only be used on the property of the University in connection with authorized University activities and only at approved locations. 


Parking is free on campus, but visitors, students, and employees are required to park in their designated spaces. The campus map shows our parking lots and the spaces available in each.

  • Campus visitors are requested to park in spaces specially designated for visitors. If there are none available, visitors may park in white-lined spaces in Lot A.
  • Students are only allowed to park in spaces with white lines. Spaces with yellow lines are reserved for faculty and staff, who may also park in white spaces.
  • All employees and students with a vehicle on campus are required to have a parking permit. These permits are free and are issued at the Office of Finance and Business, Room 101, Ross Administration Building. 


  • No person, owning or having under his/her control any animal, shall permit such animal to be brought upon the property of The Pennsylvania State University without having a leash or lead suitably attached to the animal and held by the person responsible, except in designated hunting areas.
  • No person shall tether an animal to any fence, tree, shrub, post, or other object located upon the lands of The Pennsylvania State University not designed for the purpose of securing animals.
  • No person shall bring any animal into any University building, or permit any animal on any University public transportation facility.
  • The aforementioned shall not apply to service animals, service animals in training, assistant animals approved as a reasonable accommodation by the appropriate University office, authorized research conducted by a University department, the use of an animal to carry out functional responsibilities of a University department, or an animal hospital or to a shelter designed and constructed to house animals.


Penn State Beaver defines smoking as "the burning and/or vaping of any type of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, e-cigarette or any other smoking equipment, whether filled with tobacco or any other type of material." It is prohibited in all University facilities, at all locations, including inside University-owned vehicles. It also is prohibited in any outside area adjacent to a facility whose configuration and/or other physical circumstances allow smoke either to enter and affect the internal environment or to unduly affect the environment of those entering or exiting the facility.

More police information


Sign up now to get Penn State Beaver emergency and campus closure notices on your mobile device.

PSUAlert is Penn State's emergency notification system for students, faculty, and staff. The system is used to alert members of Penn State's campus communities of emergencies, campus closings, and other urgent information. Using this portal, students, faculty, and staff can choose to receive PSUAlert messages by text message, voice message, and email.

The system will never be used to send advertising or spam messages.

manage PSUalerts

University Police

If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911 or use one of the campus call boxes, which are located outside the Police Services Office, the Ross Administration Building, the library, and the fieldhouse. Call boxes go directly to 911.

Penn State Beaver maintains a university police department that provides services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year with at least one police officer on duty at all times.

Police officers, who are certified by the Pennsylvania Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Commission, have the same authority as municipal police officers in Pennsylvania and are required to have the same basic police training, first aid training, and annual in-service training as municipal police officers.

The Penn State Beaver Police Services Office is the brick building located behind the Student Union Building and the Brodhead Bistro. If you wish to speak with a police officer immediately and an officer is not in the building, call 724-773-3888 (or 3888 from a campus phone).

Police assistance and information is available to students, faculty, staff, and visitors at any time, including all holidays.

More police information

Fires and explosions

In case of fire or explosion, activate the building alarm, and call 911. If the fire appears to be controllable, try to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher. If you can't extinguish the fire, leave the building!

Fire alarms

If a fire alarm sounds in a building, all occupants of the building must leave via the nearest safe exit. Before leaving, please close any windows if it is safe to do so, and make sure to close any doors on the way out. An activated fire alarm indicates a fire or other emergency condition, or it may be a drill or a false alarm. In any case, all occupants of a building are required to leave the building when an alarm is activated.

Don't panic, but remember the following:

  • Know the location of fire extinguishers, fire exits, and alarm pull boxes in your area. Every campus building is equipped with fire extinguishers in the hallways, lobbies, selected classrooms, and in the mechanical rooms. 
  • Do not use elevators. 
  • When using a fire extinguisher, aim the extinguishing agent at the base of the flame. 

If you're trapped

  • Call 911, report your location in the building, and if possible, place an article of clothing outside your window or door as a rescue marker. 
  • If you're in an area filling with smoke, stay near the floor where air is less toxic. If possible, block the bottom of the door with clothing or bedding. 
  • At regular intervals, shout as loudly as possible to alert rescue crews to your location. 

More police information

Weather cancellations


Occasionally, inclement weather might require the campus to modify daily operations. Please note that closures or delays are rare for Beaver campus and are not tied to the local school districts’ announced delays or closures. The following is a summary of policies that are used in the event of operational modifications.

At the campus level, decisions altering campus status and/or operations are made only by the chancellor in consultation with the director of academic affairs and the director of finance and business. Campus status is usually determined by 6:00 a.m. for day classes and 4:00 p.m. for evening classes.

Cancellation of day classes does not automatically mean cancellation of evening classes and the opposite is also true.

Get information

For information about campus status, all employees and students should sign up for PSUAlert to receive immediate text messages about weather and safety situations.

Weather closure and delay information will be posted on this website as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Information is also sent to these local television and radio stations:

Television stations 

  • KDKA TV 
  • WTAE TV 

Radio stations 

  • WMBA (1460 AM) 
  • KDKA (1020 AM) 
  • WBVP (1230 AM) 
  • WTAE (1250 AM)

Weather actions

Weather-related actions usually take one of the following forms:

  • On campus work, classes and activities canceled: Only employees designated as essential by their supervisor should report to work on campus. Staff are to work remote.
  • Classes canceled: No classes will be held, but all campus employees are expected to report to work as usual. Class cancelations may vary, e.g. cancelations might be announced only for day classes or only for evening classes, or cancelations might include both day and evening classes. Resident instruction classes and Beaver campus Continuing Education classes adhere to the same cancelation recommendations.
  • Delay of class start: The start of classes will be delayed until an announced time. The day's regular schedule will be followed once classes begin. For example, if the start of class is delayed until 10:00 a.m., then the 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. classes will not meet, and the regular schedule will begin at 10:00 a.m. All campus employees must report to work at the usual time.

Weather FAQ


The Penn State Beaver Athletics website is the place to find all the information you need about our teams, intramurals, and Wellness Center.

Student athlete excuses

Student athletes who have a scheduling conflict with a game and a class need to complete the Student Athlete Class Excuse Form and submit it by the end of the class period prior to the class that will be missed. You must submit one form for each class you will miss.

Student Athlete Class Excuse Form

Health-related absences and excuses

The Health and Wellness Center does not provide class excuses for minor illnesses or injuries that result in absence from classes. However, we do provide verification of illness forms for serious illnesses or injuries.

Absences due to a routine illness or injury

For absences related to a routine illness (cold, flu, etc.) or injury, you should correspond directly with your faculty members regarding your situation as quickly as possible. Ideally, this should be done before you miss a class, exam or other evaluative activity. The Health and Wellness Center does not provide a Verification of Illness form for a routine illness or injury.

Absences due to a serious illness or injury

For absences due to a significant and prolonged illness or injury, the Health and Wellness Center, in conjunction with the Office of Student Affairs, may provide the Verification of Illness form.

Verification will only be provided for serious illnesses or injuries where either:

  • The clinicians at the Health and Wellness Center provided the service(s) or;
  • Appropriate medical documentation from outside clinicians is provided to the Health and Wellness Center.

Information for faculty

If you have questions about a specific student's absence, you may contact the campus nurse directly.  However, due to patient confidentiality, the Health and Wellness Center cannot release specific information concerning the nature of an illness or injury without the student's consent.