If you are experiencing a serious or life-threatening medical emergency, dial 911.
Penn State Beaver offers a variety of health education programs in diverse areas, including nutrition, wellness, sexual health and avoidance of substance abuse. Students are strongly encouraged to learn how to establish positive, lifelong health habits.
The Student Health Center is open Monday through Friday throughout the academic year unless otherwise noted through campus communications. The Health Center is closed during the months of June and July.
There is no fee to see Nurse Jessica Judy, RN., BSN.
Dr. Mitchell Pfeiffer, the consulting physician, is available on two Tuesdays every month. A $15 fee is charged to a student's account for a physician consultation. To learn the dates when the doctor is available, please visit the Health Center or check weekly Stall Stories.
Nurse Advice Hotline
The University Health Services Nurse Advice Line is available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00pm. Have your PSU ID number available when you call. Your call may be recorded.
Private & Confidential
Services provided
- Assessment, evaluation, and treatment of short-term illness or injury
- Consultation for health concerns
- Emergency care for injuries on campus
- Referrals to physicians, hospitals, emergency rooms or community agencies as necessary and appropriate
- Health screenings for blood pressure, height and weight
- First aid and emergency care
- Emergency, on-campus transportation to health services
- Resource center for health information and literature
- Health education opportunities though wellness initiatives, awareness programs, and the annual Penn State Beaver Health Fair
- Maintenance of confidential student health records
- Compliance with local and state health departments' rules and regulations
- Physical examinations for driver's license, employment and athletics