Psychology graduate Jessica Findling, right, has a full-time job that is paying for graduate school.
MONACA, Pa. — For departing students, commencement ceremonies carry pomp and weight that few other events in their college careers can match.
But, let’s be honest, the ceremonies can also be tedious affairs, filled with advice that students may not yet be prepared to hear or heed.
So this year, Academic Affairs is inviting faculty and staff to nominate a student speaker who can enthusiastically address his or her peers at the Dec. 16 ceremony and capture the excitement of the moment.
Do you know the perfect student for the task? Then please visit the Penn State Beaver website to fill out a nomination form. As the nominator, we ask that you encourage the student and serve as a first reader as he or she prepares the speech with the help of the director of public relations.
The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, Nov. 16.
April Johnston
Public Relations Director, Penn State Beaver