fall 2016 commencement

Penn State Beaver graduates, professors and guests look toward stage at commencement.

'Be proud of the work you've done'

Eighteen students participated in Beaver's Dec. 16 ceremony, receiving degrees in administration of justice, business, communications, information sciences and technology, and psychology. Administration of justice major Robert Chamberlain served as the campus' first student speaker.
Penn State Beaver graduates, professors and guests look toward stage at commencement.

Beaver Fall 2016 Commencement

Kylee Chamberlain sits with her father, Robert, during graduation. Robert, who received his bachelor of science in Administration of Justice, was the student speaker at the ceremony. Pictured with the Chamberlains are fellow AOJ grad Alessandra Durelli, left, and Dr. Mari Pierce, right.

Penn State Beaver graduates, professors and guests look toward stage at commencement.

'Be proud of the work you've done'

Eighteen students participated in the campus' Dec. 16 commencement ceremony, receiving degrees in administration of justice, business, communications, information sciences and technology, and psychology.
mace grand procession

Penn State announces fall 2016 commencement events and speakers

This fall approximately 5,247 Penn State students will receive their diplomas. University-wide there will be 252 associate, 3,936 baccalaureate, 762 master's, 11 law and 286 doctoral degrees awarded. Following is a compilation of commencement ceremonies and speaker information for Penn State's 24 locations.