Posters should measure 24 inches by 36 inches and be created at 300 ppi or dpi. They must be saved as .jpg or .jpeg files and submitted via the poster printing request form. Posters submitted after 5:00 p.m. on April 25, 2025, will not be printed. Students will need to seek off-campus printing options at stores such as Staples or the UPS Store.
The library has agreed to pay for the first copy of all project posters. Students who need more than one copy will have to pay for them at the normal rate.
How to create your poster Printing request form
Mounting your poster
Once your poster has been printed, you should go to Student Affairs in Suite 113 of the Student Union Building to pick up your poster and a 24-inch-by-36-inch piece of foam core and a set of binder clips to mount it. You should not use spray adhesive or tape on the foam. After the event, your board and clips will be collected and reused next year.