Where to park
Parking is free on campus, but visitors, students, and employees are required to park in their designated spaces. The campus map shows our parking lots and the spaces available in each.
Campus visitors are requested to park in spaces specially designated for visitors. If there are none available, visitors may park in white-lined spaces in Lot A.
Students are only allowed to park in spaces with white lines. Spaces with yellow lines are reserved for faculty and staff, who may also park in white spaces.
All employees and students with a vehicle on campus are required to have a parking permit. These permits are free and are issued at the Office of Finance, Room 101, Ross Administration Building. Student parking permits must be renewed every fall at the beginning of the academic year by filling out the student parking permit application. Faculty and staff will be informed when their permits need to be renewed.
Lost or damaged permits for students or employees can be replaced at any time.
Parking regulation information is distributed at New Student Orientation (NSO). In addition, whether you're a campus student, employee, or visitor, you can always obtain parking information by contacting the Office of Finance at 724-773-3519 or [email protected]. For applicable University regulations, see: