Aidan Donovan and Anna Berry present "Fair Trade on Beaver Campus," the project they did with Riley Nungesser (not shown), to judges at the 2018 Undergraduate Exhibition on April 25. The trio took first place in the engaged scholarship category.
MONACA, Pa. — There’s fair trade coffee. Fair trade clothing. Fair trade cocoa.
Then there’s the lesser-known fair trade campus, and Penn State Beaver just became one.
Anna Berry, Aiden Donovan and Riley Nungesser took top prize in the engaged scholarship category at Beaver’s annual Undergraduate Exhibition for their work in researching fair trade, establishing a fair trade committee and urging campus departments to institute fair trade practices.
“Fair trade is about making a difference,” Berry said.
The Undergraduate Exhibition showcases the research, engaged scholarship and creative work of Beaver students across disciplines. This year, 26 students presented in five categories.
Participants could also compete for the University Libraries Award for Information Literacy, which recognizes scholarly work based on a foundation of careful background research and literature review. The award comes with prizes of $50 for honorable mention, $100 for second place and $150 for first place.
This year’s winners are:
- Creative Activity: Karl Truskowski for "Soal- 5 Rings Music Video"
- Engaged Scholarship: Anna Berry, Riley Nungesser and Aidan Donovan for "Fair Trade on Beaver Campus"
- Arts and Humanities: Alexey Stern for "Analyzing and Applying Parenting Styles"
- Social Sciences: Katelynn Crowe for "How Music Affects Memory Recognition"
- Science, Math, Technology: Jonah Sally for "Transpiration Efficiency of Arabidopsis thaliana in the Presence of Mutated Genotypes"
- Information Literacy Award, First Place: Katelynn Crowe for How Music Affects Memory Recognition
- Information Literacy Award, Second Place: Jessica Sigala for "Social Impairment in Autism: An Examination of the Relationship Between Social Items on the ADOS and Vineland-II"
- Information Literacy Award, Honorable Mention: Alexey Stern for "Analyzing and Applying Parenting Styles"
- Information Literacy Award, Honorable Mention: Alexa Di Pietrantonio and Garrett Troy for "Political Engagement in the NFL and its Influence on its Viewers"
- Information Literacy Award, Honorable Mention: Sophia Kramer and Jordan Davis for "How Instagram Use Affects the Body Image of Female College Students"
April Johnston
Public Relations Director, Penn State Beaver