Entries in the Creative Activity category of the John R. Chapin Undergraduate Exhibition may take the form of writings, videos, two-dimensional art, three-dimensional art, and technology/digital design. All creative activity entries will be presented as visual exhibitions with an oral presentation.
This registration form must be approved by your faculty project adviser. Please contact Steve Kanicki at [email protected] if you need a faculty adviser for your work. All forms must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. Monday, March 17, 2025. Students should be aware that this deadline includes the faculty sponsorship form, which faculty cannot complete until this form is submitted. Waiting to submit this form until the deadline will make it impossible for your faculty adviser to submit the sponsorship form on time and will disqualify your entry.
Entries must be emailed to Stephen Kanicki at [email protected] by 5:00 p.m. Monday, March 31, 2025, for judges to have ample time to review them. See below for details.
Videos and written work must be submitted two weeks before the exhibition for judges to have ample time to review them.
Up to 6 minutes. Email a link to your video by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 16, 2025, to Stephen Kanicki at [email protected]. You must provide your own computer, tablet, or other digital display and headphones to display your video at the exhibition. Request a table to put your computer on. If you have other needs, such as an extension cord, please indicate those on the form.
Written work (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, etc.)
Up to 5 double-spaced pages. Email a .pdf of your work by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 16, 2025, to Stephen Kanicki at [email protected]. Request either a table or an easel to display your work.
Visual arts (up to 8 pieces)
- Two-dimensional works (photography, graphic design, painting, drawing, etc.): Develop a poster presentation or mount works individually to be displayed on easels. You may request up to 5 easels or a table. Digital work may be displayed on a laptop using Adobe Spark or other slideshow software.
- Three-dimensional works (sculpture): You may request a table to display your work.
One website, application, or other digital work. You must provide your own computer, tablet, or other digital display. Request a table to put your computer on. If you have other needs, such as an extension cord, please indicate those on the form.
Posters should measure 24 inches by 36 inches and be created at 300 pixels per inch (ppi) resolution. Once printed the posters should be mounted on 24-inch-by-36-inch poster board or foam core, available in the Academic Affairs office. See printing information for details.
If you prefer an electronic presentation format to a poster presentation, you will need to provide your own laptop. Please consult with your faculty sponsor to select the best presentation mode. Request a table instead of an easel and indicate if you need an extension cord.
The description you enter below will be presented to judges, and it cannot be revised before the exhibition. Proofread it before you submit it. Your description should include the skills that you bring to the project and the personal and academic objectives that you accomplished. It is strongly recommended that you provide a draft of your description to your faculty adviser before completing and submitting the form.