Bistro: Brodhead Bistro, the campus food court located next to the Housing and Food Services Office. The Bistro is open to the public but is mainly used by the campus community. Meal plans are available for resident students.
CAA: Center for Academic Achievement, room 105 on the main floor of the Ross Administration Building. Tutoring and study space is available there.
Common Hour: 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This time is set aside specifically for club meetings and special events, so no classes are scheduled during this hour.
Dorm or The Hall: Harmony Hall Residence Hall
DUS: Division of Undergraduate Studies. The office is located on first floor of the Ross Administration Building.
GCB: General Classroom Building
LCB: Laboratory Classroom Building
LIB: Library
Link: The hallway/ramp that connects the Bistro and the Student Union Building
Lodge, SUB Lodge: The large banquet and event room located on the upper floor of the Student Union Building
MBB: Michael Baker Building
RA: Resident assistant in Harmony Hall
RAB or Ross: Ross Administration Building
SAS: Student Activities Suite, located on the upper floor of the Student Union Building.
SER or Special Events Room: Small meeting and private dining room located near the Bistro across from the Housing and Food office.
Stro: Nickname for the Brodhead Bistro
SUB: Student Union Building
UP: University Park or Penn State University Park