MONACA — Two members of the Penn State Beaver faculty will present their research at the Academic Affairs Faculty Speaker Series on the Penn State Beaver campus.
Autumn Sabo, assistant professor of biology, and Yi-An Burleson, assistant professor of psychology, will present on their respective areas of research at 12:15 p.m. on March 4 in Room 16 of the Student Union Building.
Sabo will present on how deer affect vegetation directly, through browsing; and indirectly, by altering environmental conditions important for plant growth. Sabo said throughout our region, understory plant diversity is declining due to a variety of interacting stressors. Despite white-tailed deer being a natural part of our forests, their increased abundance is a key driver in plant community shifts.
Burleson will present on three areas of her research: learning from differences for a master’s training course in counseling psychology; the impact of sleep and regular food intake on the frequency and severity of symptoms of panic attack; and collaboration in psychosocial well-being of older adults in nursing homes.
Those attending may bring their own lunch. Those not able to make it to campus can join the presentation via Zoom.