Expressing your freedom of speech on our campus
A university is inherently a marketplace of ideas, and Penn State encourages and protects the rights of members of the University community to express divergent viewpoints and opinions on matters of concern. At the same time, the University expects that persons engaging in expressive activity will comply with University rules and will demonstrate civility, concern for the safety of persons and property, and respect for University activities and for those who may disagree with their message. [Penn State Policy AD-51]
Penn State Beaver has designated the Quad in the center of campus as the area for expressive activities. Groups may be on campus between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- Use of sound amplification equipment is prohibited. (Bullhorn, Megaphone)
- Pedestrian or vehicular traffic must not be impeded in any fashion.
- Disturbance of or interference with classrooms, offices, study facilities, libraries, or other University facilities and activities is prohibited.
- Creation of safety hazards is prohibited.
- Damage or destruction of property is prohibited.
- Flashing or rotating lights and illuminated signs may not be used.
- Signs, placards, posters, banners, photographs and the like shall not be affixed in any manner to University grounds and property, including but not limited to buildings, poles, gates, fences, trees or other vegetation. All such materials must be removed at the conclusion of each day's use of the designated area. Any signage cannot obstruct the flow of traffic.
- Papers, pamphlets, and similar material must be distributed in person by sponsoring organization.
- Placing or erecting structures of any size or material is prohibited. These structures will be removed and the sponsoring organization, department, individual will be responsible for any and all charges.
- The books/information may be offered to individuals passing by, but no force should be used to make the individual take it.
- There should be no physical or verbal harassment of any kind to individuals who refuse to take a copy.
To request to use the designated area on campus for expressive activities, please complete this form. Completed forms must be received at least two weeks before the event. Once your request is approved, you will be notified via email.
If you have questions, please contact Kristen Doerschner at [email protected] or 724-773-3816.