Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Silvia Acosta-Carter [email protected]
General Manager of the Penn State West Campuses, Bookstore
Student Union Building, Bookstore 724-773-3651
Dana Alvetro [email protected]
Education Program Coordinator, Continuing Education
Student Union Building, Suite 101 724-773-3762
Fahmida Amin [email protected]
Instructor, Geography
Laura Arndt [email protected]
Laboratory Preparation Technician, Academic Affairs
Michael Baker Building, Room 110B 724-773-3872
Jonathan Bagamery [email protected]
Instructor, English
General Classroom Building, Room 107C 724-773-3571
Karen Barr [email protected]
Associate Teaching Professor, Business
General Classroom Building, Room 107A 724-773-3869
Mark Beatty [email protected]
Campus Facilities Manager, Building Operations
Physical Plant 724-773-3782
Jill Bender [email protected]
Student Affairs Coordinator and International Student Liaison, Student Affairs and Engagement
Student Union Building, Suite 113 724-773-3951
Melissa Bender [email protected]
Instructor, Kinesiology
Beaver Fieldhouse, 109 724-773-3878
Kevin Bennett [email protected]
Full Teaching Professor, Psychology
Ross Administration Building, Room 3F 724-773-3904
Julia Betts [email protected]
Instructor, Arts
Roy Boggs [email protected]
Maintenance Worker, Building Operations
Physical Plant 724-773-3848
Robin Bower [email protected]
Associate Professor, Spanish
Michael Baker Building, Room 118 724-773-3886
Billie Brown [email protected]
Student Services Assistant and Residence Life Support Coordinator, Student Affairs and Engagement
Student Union Building , Suite 113 724-773-3959
Anthony Budris [email protected]
Deputy Chief, Northwest District Commander, University Police
Ross Administration Building, 30 724-773-3781
Yi-An Burleson [email protected]
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Psychology
Ross Administration Building, 3G 724-773-3571
Stephanie Cabarcas-Petroski [email protected]
Associate Teaching Professor, Biology
Laboratory Classroom Building, Room 114 724-773-3562
Elena Camerin-Young [email protected]
Instructor, Music
Amy Camodeca [email protected]
Associate Professor, Psychology
Ross Administration Building, Room 3D 724-773-3861
Paula Carlin [email protected]
Residence Hall Worker, Housing and Food Services
Harmony Hall 724-773-3775