Honors Options
The Honors Option allows Honors students and Schreyer Scholars to investigate selected topics in greater depth, in many cases conducting original research under the direction of a faculty member. Honors Options have been offered in biology, business, chemistry, communications, comparative literature, criminal justice, engineering, English literature, finance, history, information sciences, mathematics, physics, psychology, religious studies, sociology, Spanish, speech communications, theater arts, and women's studies.
Honors Independent Study
Many faculty members offer Independent Study courses (of varying numbers of credits) to Honors students and Schreyer scholars. Typically, these courses are designed collaboratively by the student and professor and are much more research-intensive. Independent Study courses have been conducted in areas including biology, chemistry, English literature, mathematics, and psychology.
Honors Research
Many faculty members engage in student-faculty research across the academic disciplines. Research experiences can take many forms. Consult with Dr. Seth Powless for more information.
Service-Learning Projects
Students can complete honors experiences through service-learning projects which can take many forms. Consult with Dr. Powless for more information.
Competitive scholarships are offered by Penn State Beaver to returning sophomores, juniors, and seniors. A record of participation in the Beaver Honors Program or the Schreyer Honors College during the first college year may prove influential in earning such scholarships. Honors students and Schreyer Scholars have won the majority of these awards in recent years.
Registration Priority
Beginning with the second semester pre-registration, Honors students and Schreyer Scholars have first choice of courses and sections. Do not underestimate this perk!
Library Privileges
Honors students and Schreyer scholars enjoy the same borrowing privileges as faculty and may check out books for the entire semester unless a special recall is placed on the materials.