Aaliyah Booker receives the Eric A. and Josephine S. Walker Award from Chris Rizzo, director of student affairs and engagement, during the 56th annual Penn State Beaver Awards Ceremony on April 25, 2024.
MONACA, Pa. – For the third year in a row, Penn State Beaver student Aaliyah Booker has won the Eric A. and Josephine S. Walker Award.
Booker, a fourth-year criminal justice major, was presented the award at Penn State Beaver’s 56th annual awards ceremony. The award recognizes Penn State students whose outstanding qualities of character, scholarship, leadership and citizenship contribute to the prestige and well-being of their campus.
Photos from the ceremony can be found on Penn State Beaver's Flickr page.
Here’s a full list of the 2024 winners:
Undergraduate Scholastic Awards
President Walker Award
- Richard Allenbaugh
- Jake Burke
- Sara Finnell
- Finian Heron
- Paula McCreary
- Owen McLaren
- Madison McNutt
- Sasha Wade
- Sanskriti Walia
- Steven Xie
President Sparks Award
- Basam Ahmed
- Madelyn Hennon
- Joshua Owen-Guenther
Evan Pugh Scholar Award – Senior
- JoAnn Maxin
Baccalaureate Awards
- Biology: Caellin Miller
- Business: JoAnn Maxin
- Communications: Kyra Seggewiss
- Computer Science: Arpan Subba
- Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Arts: Aaliyah Booker
- Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science: Ana Luisa Galante
- Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations: Tanner Golletti
- Information Technology: Siddharth Jaathan
- Project and Supply Chain Management: Ivan Fabyanic
- Psychology: Julia Roussos
Department Awards
- College of Engineering, Computer Science: Yasmin Othman
- College of the Liberal Arts, English: Bre Thomas
- Eberly College of Science, Chemistry: Cianna Ridenour
- University College
- Biology: Cianna Ridenour
- Business: Katelyn Hauser
- Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Arts: Katherine Miller
- Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science: David Buczek
- Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations: Dany Mascher
- Information Technology: Inigo Vanaman-Martin
- Psychology: JoAnn Sharpless
Campus Awards
- Student Life Leadership Awards
- Aaliyah Booker
- Britney Edwards
- Ana Luisa Galante
- Astha Kole
- Avyanna Palmore
- John (Bobby) Zahorsky
- Community Service Award: Varsity Club
- Outstanding Club Advisor Award
- Adam Martinez
- Tony Tomasi
- Academic Advisor Award: Gretchen Samchuck
- Adult Achievement Award: JoAnn Maxin
- Outstanding Student Award: Alexis Reid
- Eric A. & Josephine S. Walker Award: Aaliyah Booker
Advisory Board Awards
- Faculty Excellence in Teaching
- Claudia Tanaskovic
- Tony Tomasi
- Faculty Excellence in Research: Robin Bower
- Faculty Excellence in Service: Frankie Checchio
- Staff Excellence: Tony Tomasi
- Staff Service: Jill Bender