Penn State Beaver benefits from your philanthropy in a variety of ways. Some of the options from which you can choose include the following:
A permanent fund established by a donor to benefit the University while often providing tax benefits to the benefactor. Penn State University's Board of Trustees has established minimum support levels for various types of endowments to guarantee that income will be adequate to achieve the benefactor's intent now and in the future. These endowments may be named in recognition of the generosity and vision of the donors or in honor or memory of persons of the donors' choice.
Scholarships and Awards
Funds that assists students of all ages with tuition expenses and funds typically applied to tuition expenses that recognize a superior accomplishment in an academic discipline.
Talented and committed undergraduate students are Penn State's lifeblood. At its founding, the University gave the highest priority to their education and career preparation, and ever since it has held steadfast to that ideal.
Unfortunately, as tuition has increased to meet rising educational costs, students and their families often find it difficult, if not impossible, to consider college a realistic goal. Rising tuition undermines one of the University's most important hallmarks-accessibility. The federal legislation, dating from 1862, that created land-grant colleges and universities obligated them to offer instruction at a cost that was affordable by families of average means. However, a long series of annual state appropriations that have been far below University requests, coupled with rising operational costs, have resulted in ever-greater dependence on tuition as a source of income. More endowed scholarships for financially needy students are vital if Penn State is to continue to meet its historic mandate of accessibility.
Planned Giving
Programs that provide benefits to you now, and in the future, while benefiting Penn State for generations to come. Penn State Beaver's alumni and friends are choosing today to ensure the future of tomorrow's campus by including the campus in their estate plans.
Friends and alumni have committed gifts of cash, securities, real estate, and/or other assets to the campus by providing a bequest in their wills or trusts. Gifts may be a specific bequest of a designated sum or may be a percentage of a residual estate.
The value of your bequest to Penn State Beaver is fully deductible for estate tax purposes. In addition, you may establish an income-producing planned gift for the benefit of others through your will, thereby reducing your taxable estate. A bequest can be a useful and advantageous addition to your estate plan, whether outright or for a planned gift.
Visit the Penn State Planned Giving website for more information.
Corporations and Foundations
Mutually beneficial collaborations with corporations and foundations which may also include matching gift programs. Many corporations and businesses have matching gift programs, and some include gifts from spouses and retired employees. Exploring this possibility can double or, in some cases, triple the size of a gift. We urge you to ask your human r esources office about your company's matching gift policy and how you can provide support for Beaver campus.
Program Support
Opportunities to enrich academic, social, and cultural aspects of the campus. Funds that provide special teaching and research materials, library acquisitions, and other forms of assistance. To remain in the forefront of learning, Penn State Beaver constantly refreshes and renews its academic programs in order to establish new disciplines as opportunities arise. In a sense, program support serves as venture capital that allows the campus to retain leadership in many of the fields in which it already has distinguished itself, and to create entire new fields of study to serve our state, our nation, and our world.
Outright Gifts
Each year, Penn State alumni, parents, and friends provide the University with much-needed financial assistance through outright gifts of cash, securities, or other property. Outright gifts have an immediate impact and are used to support the current needs of our schools and colleges.
Faculty Support
Endowed chairs and professorships are among the most important resources any university can have in assembling and maintaining a distinguished faculty. Such positions provide honor and recognition for the men and women who hold them, but they also provide something more important-a stable, dependable source of income for special teaching and research materials, library acquisitions, salary supplements, and travel assistance.
Competition for the best available teachers and researchers is even more acute than for the promising students, in part because Penn State must also compete with private industry and the public sector for potential faculty. Such competition is traditionally keen in fields where the University, private business, and government most closely interface-engineering, business, the sciences, and health care fields, to name only a few. In recent years, competition for the most talented teachers and researchers in the liberal arts had intensified as well. The additional support and recognition that accompanies an endowed chair or professorship often makes the difference in Penn State's ability to recruit a distinguished scholar, or retain that scholar in the face of lures form other institutions and potential employers.
More Information
For additional information about any of these giving options, please contact the Development Office at 724-773-3817.