Penn State Beaver welcomes students with disabilities into the University's educational programs. If you have disability-related needs for reasonable academic accommodations, we can help.
The Center for Academic Achievement provides the following resources for students with disabilities:
- Testing accommodations
- Note takers
- Study groups
- Individualized tutors
- Video and study skill resources
- Computer lab
- Quiet reading/study area
- Group study area
Apply for accommodations
Students with ADA-qualified disabilities must provide current documentation of their disabilities, including necessary accommodations, to receive services.
First, you must schedule a meeting with Kristin Oberg, learning center and disabilities coordinator, by emailing [email protected] or calling 724-773-3867. She will gather information and documentation from your medical doctor, neurologist, psychologist, or psychiatrist concerning your disability and will file the necessary paperwork to establish your case.
You will find information about appropriate documentation for your disability at Penn State's Educational Equity website.
Your information must be current. If it is old or outdated, which may vary depending on your diagnosis, you may need to return to your doctor for an update on your condition. For some conditions, this may require retesting.
If your documentation is correct, complete, and updated according to the Educational Equity website, you will be awarded academic accommodations.
Receive accommodations
Once you have been awarded accommodations, a letter that states your needs (but not your diagnosis, which is confidential) will be emailed to you. You must forward this email to each of your instructors, cc'ing the disabilities coordinator, at the beginning of each semester, preferably prior to the start of classes. You should then meet with each professor to discuss your needs and how they will be met within the context of each course.
Your responsibilities
You are responsible for your own needs! Make sure you contact the disabilities coordinator immediately to get the help you need. Be sure to follow up with her to address problems and/or additional needs that may arise during the academic year.
You will be responsible for keeping appointments with professors and tutors, if needed. You will also be responsible for the safe return of assistive devices that you might borrow from the Center for Academic Achievement.
You will need to go through the process of obtaining a letter of accommodation every semester. The coordinator will not automatically alert your professors about any disability until you request this service. Usually, your initial documentation will suffice for the entire time you take classes at Beaver campus.
Temporary impairment
If you become temporarily impaired due to an illness or accident, contact the campus nurse at 724-773-3955 to receive short-term accommodations. For more information, see Absences and Excuses.
- Prospective Student Information
- Accommodations
- Transition Publication from the Office for Civil Rights
- Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)
- University Access Committee (UAC): The mission of the UAC is to prioritize and fund barrier-removal projects in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG).
- Financial Resources for Students with Disabilities: The list contains over 120 scholarships, grants, and nonprofit resources including assistive technologies and tools to use for studying
- Discounts for People with Disabilities: This comprehensive list contains over 100 discounts for people living with disabilities including electronics, wellness, and entertainment.
- Money Management for Students with Disabilities: The guide contains nearly 140 resources on financial literacy, saving money, and budgeting, specifically for disabled students.