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McDougall is pictured outdoors with trees in the background. She is smiling and wearing a light blue shirt and navy blue blazer.


Carey McDougall has been named interim chancellor of Penn State Beaver, effective July 1, 2023. McDougall has served as the campus' chief academic officer since 2014. 

A group of students are seated in the Lodge while the chancellor, who is to the right of the photo, speaks to them


Penn State Beaver students are welcomed to the March Mingle event by Chancellor Dr. Jenifer Cushman. The event was a chance for students to practice networking as they prepare for internship and job searches.

Robin Bower is pictured outdoors with trees in the back ground. She is wearing a black shirt, a chunky necklace and has short hair with side-swept bangs.


Robin Bower, an associate professor of Spanish in comparative literature at Penn State Beaver, will be the featured speaker in the next event for “The Current,” a speaker series hosted by Penn State Beaver and RiverWise.

Students and library staff members discuss a student research project. The back wall is blue and displays the Penn State Beaver logo in white.


Students Eva Pratte, foreground, and Devon Johnson explain their research project to campus librarian Amy Deuink and reference and instruction librarian Frankie Checckio during the Penn State Beaver Undergraduate Exhibition in the Student Union Building Lodge at Penn State Beaver.