If you need help paying for college or career school, the office of Federal Student Aid can assist you with getting the money you need. Check out this video to learn about grants, loans, and work-study jobs and how they can help fund your education.
The first step to applying for federal student aid is completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students and parents of dependent students need their own FSA IDs to electronically sign and submit the FAFSA. This video helps parents navigate the FAFSA process: from logging in, to filling out, and to signing your child’s FAFSA using your FSA ID.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) allows students to apply for more than $150 billion in grants, loans, and work-study funds. Check out this video for info about the FAFSA and the resources available to help fill out this important application. Visit studentaid.gov.
Check out this video to learn how the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) gives you access to grants, loans and work-study jobs that can help fund your education. Visit studentaid.gov to learn more.
Penn State's student farm is staffed by club members, interns, and student and community volunteers. Part of the Sustainable Food Systems Program, it offers experiential learning opportunities for students and supports the local community through education and outreach.
When the P and the B from Penn State Beaver’s iconic “chimney stack” entrance sign went missing, the campus called on Senior Engineering Instructor Jim Hendrickson and two of his students to find a fix.