Rob Two Hawks, a life-long resident of East Palestine, Ohio, stands in front of a mural in his hometown. A 2023 train derailment in East Palestine is the topic of the next installment of "The Current," an on-going speaker series sponsored by Penn State Beaver and local non-profit RiverWise. The April 13 will be held at The Baby Bello in Beaver Falls and will feature an art exhibit, a documentary film and discussion.
Rob Two Hawks, a life-long resident of East Palestine, Ohio, stands in front of a mural in his hometown. A 2023 train derailment in East Palestine is the topic of the next installment of "The Current," an on-going speaker series sponsored by Penn State Beaver and local non-profit RiverWise. The April 13 will be held at The Baby Bello in Beaver Falls and will feature an art exhibit, a documentary film and discussion.
"The Current in the Community: Lessons from the East Palestine Train Derailment" will be held April 13 in The Baby Bello, 2200 Ninth Ave., in Beaver Falls. The event will feature an art gallery, documentary short film and a panel discussion that seeks to both honor those impacted by the February 2023 train derailment in Ohio and highlight what this environmental disaster means for the future of the region.