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A photo of Maura smiling and wearing a green shirt on a white background


Maura Francis, a 2016 graduate of Penn State Beaver, will be the keynote speaker for May 4 commencement. Francis went on to earn a doctorate in psychology and now works as a clinical psychologist in New York.

A photo of John Chapin wearing a brown jacket and smiling in a picture that was taken outdoors

John Chapin

The late John Chapin, professor of communications, was remembered at a memorial service at Penn State Beaver on April 12, where it was announced he has been granted posthumous emeritus status.

Cary McDougall smiles while standing outside.


Penn State Beaver Chief Academic Officer Carey McDougall has been accepted to Penn State's Academy for Holistic Reimagining of the Recruitment, Retention, and Mentoring of Racially Minoritized Faculty.