Intro to Sculpture flag project - Image Gallery #10011
Erin Mallea's Introduction to Sculpture students have displayed their semester projects, flags created from various textiles, at the Kuga Pavilion on campus.
Erin Mallea, an instructor of art at Penn State Beaver, helps student Trevor Dolan, a junior, prepare to hang his flag from the Kuga Pavilion.
Credit: Penn State
Student Keegan Egenlauf, a junior, hangs his flag. Egenlauf's flag is based on a video game he plays.
Credit: Penn State
Alaina Helbus, a freshman, hangs her flag from the roof of the Kuga Pavilion. Her flag represents a sun, though she said art can be interpreted by the person viewing it.
Credit: Penn State
Martin Igaba's flag uses various textiles represents thoughts and feelings impacting creativity.